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The Oak Savanna Landscape

The savanna landscape is a mosaic of vegetation verities, with varying sizes from microscopic to the mighty Oak. With such a varied characteristics of the land, it helps to support several plant species and a number of birds that are threatened or endangered. These Oak Savanna habitats are made up of dispersed trees surrounded primarily by prairie grasses. Among the plants that are supported in this ecosystem are giant yellow hyssop, purple milkweed, cream gentian, upland boneset, wild hyacinth, and yellow pimpernel. These plants support endangered insects such as the Monarch butterfly. The red-headed woodpecker which is now relatively uncommon in the Midwest, also prefers the savanna habitat. These spaces support open grown trees and vast spaces are not something that can be replicated in a suburban environment. Lets work together to make the remaining wild places close to our homes, also close to our hearts.

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